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While we’re ten days into 2017, we haven’t swept away our favorite moments from 2016. This week and next we’ll recap some of our favorite accomplishments from last year. Today, our staff shares its favorite moments from last season!

Heidi, founder, director, choreographer
The most profound event for me in 2016 was moving our offices into our own space in downtown Los Angeles. Working with Lizbeth Barcelona, first a volunteer, then a donor, and now a friend. We toured the LA Times offices and selected furniture they had graciously donated. Lizbeth, an architect, drew up a plan. The night before Labor Day weekend, I helped the movers load up desks, chairs, a couch, conference table, shelves and filing cabinets into an enormous box truck and followed as the truck rambled through the dark downtown streets. Loading into the freight elevator off an alley on 12th, I was filled with the excitement of creating a home. As a nomadic site specific choreographer, I had been teaching for several years about one’s notion of home. The pursuit had always been illusive. Lifting and shoving that furniture up to the 11th floor, I realized how tangible and important it is to “have your space”. 2016’s best moment was to find a room of our own!

David, strategic director
My favorite moment of 2016 was when Heidi performed in Night Market at LA’s Central Wholesale Market by grilling us some raw meat over an open flame as part of the performance. We got to eat it—it tasted great! It was a special moment because it was one of the few times Heidi performed in one of her own productions all year.

Teresa “Toogie”, associate artistic director, dancer

It’s all a blur … but if I have to pick one moment I would say It was performing in the water at Grand Performances with the sax man from Topology. (above)

Allegra, outgoing experience director
My favorite HDDT moments were the culminating performances in Sun Village and Inglewood. To me both of these events truly encapsulated the impact site-specific dance has in the communities we work with. Inter-generational and across genres this process of making a performance transcends the many divisions that exist.

Zach, company catalyst
Opening night of When I Am King, after almost a year of running around behind the scenes without getting to actually watch any of the performances.

Lauren, media director

My favorite moment was the 143 Days performance. We’d been coordinating that piece with the Trust for Historic Preservation, and the Autry for nearly a year before it finally came to fruition. The show was oversold and it was great to see people enjoy the fruits of our labor.

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