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By Cathie Arteaga | HDD Production and Festival Intern

A funny story about this fellowship: I applied to be a fellow but wasn’t chosen. Instead, I was offered an internship at Heidi Duckler Dance, which was just as great. I didn’t know much about the fellowship, just that it was a four-month-long mentorship program for young adults who’ve been in the foster care system. As a former foster youth myself just the thought that programs like this exist sparks joy in my heart. After more research, I discovered who Dr. Kerry English was and all he did for the communities he cared about. I was happy to see this program is still funded by Olga Garray English, Dr. English’s widow.

Watch my recap video of the final showcase HERE.

Filmed and Edited by Cathie Arteaga

I remember the day Raven asked if I could design a flyer for the Spring 2024 fellows’ final showcase. I had no idea who the fellows were, but I was so excited to find out. I went to HDD’s website to learn more about them. When I saw that my friend, Edward Castro was chosen to be a fellow, I was so happy for him.

The day before the fellowship showcase was when I met Mare. She had on these beautiful purple overalls and was full of light. She was kind and we chatted while we waited for Kim and Jessica to arrive. I was there to film Mare and her mentor, Kim West, paint her amazing mural of her cat. In the little time I spent with Mare, I learned a lot about her. Her sharing her story taught me that you can do anything you put your mind to. 

Photo by Cathie Arteaga

The day of the showcase, Edward got there early to set up his pieces. His pieces revolved around photography and fashion, and his roots. I loved his pieces that combined his life in Sinaloa and his life in the United States. Edward taught me to always implement my roots into my work.

Photo by Cathie Arteaga

I had never attended an event like the Fellowship Final showing. I really loved the outcome of how it turned out. It was an amazing experience to have the opportunity to capture each fellows’ art. Being able to see what Mare and Edward created within four months was impressive and inspiring. I loved talking to their friends and family about the process and their creativity. Their stories and experience will stick with me as I navigate my own artistic journey. 

This position is supported, in part, by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Department of Arts and Culture’s Los Angeles County Arts Internship Program.