A Place Called Home (APCH) students with Heidi Duckler Dance teaching artists, dancers and musicians Dwight Trible and Pablo Calogero will perform a suspended dance through the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Hospital campus, ending their journey at the recently inaugurated Jacqueline Avant Children and Family Center. There, dancers Joseph Davis, Raymond Ejiofor, Jessica Emmanuel, Sasha Rivero, and Ashley Robicheaux are accompanied by Dwight Trible’s four-piece band for an unforgettable performance.
After the performance, participants are invited to participate in a panel discussion moderated by Alex Martin Johnson and enjoy refreshments. APCH students’ workshops, culminating walk, and performance collectively interrogate our bodies’ response to one another and encourage us to connect to the environment around us. Experiences of collaboration, problem solving, leadership, confidence, and empathy will be shared in open discussion.