Photos by Caleb Coppola
On Saturday, September 23rd, 2023, Heidi Duckler Dance hosted its sixth Ebb & Flow @ The Creek community arts festival in Ballona Creek located in the city of Culver City.
For this installment, Heidi Duckler Dance teamed up with Ballona Creek Renaissance (BCR), a Culver City non-profit dedicated to reviving Ballona Creek and its watershed. Ebb & Flow @ The Creek was a part of Heal the Bay’s 2023 Coastal Cleanup Day. Guests were able to view the performances and take the time to actively improve the local environment.
“An immersive experience that brings together local performance artists, environmental advocates, and the Ballona Creek, Heidi Duckler Dance’s Ebb & Flow @ The Creek will reexamine our never-ending relationship with ever-flowing communities, the environment we inhabit and how we can be the stepping stone for a cleaner future.” -Shoji Yamasaki, Ebb & Flow: @TheCreek Creative Director.
Featured Artists
Heidi Duckler, Raymond Ejiofor, Shoji Yamasaki, Zhihan Yang, Alejandro Perez, Isaac Huerta, Braden Pontoli, Gunita Collective, Jules Mara
Videography by
2Sides Films