HONEST PURPOSE was a series of performances at The Culver Steps featuring Heidi Duckler Dance dancers accompanied by a live four-piece band led by Dwight Trible. Funded in part by the City of Culver City and its Cultural Affairs Commission, with support from Sony Pictures Entertainment and the Culver City Arts Foundation, the piece was an exploration of private and public space as well as a celebration of the reopening of the city and the joyful reemergence of the community into this space after a period of isolation. The piece is symbolic of increasing accessibility and inclusion coming out of the pandemic.
Attendees also enjoyed a discussion about creating civic and commercial spaces, the power of the arts to animate spaces and the dream behind developing The Culver Steps with Thomas Small, former Culver City mayor and current President and CEO of Culver City Forward and Patti Rhee, partner at Ehrlich Yanai Rhee Chaney Architects and architect for The Culver Steps.