Photo by Sean Deckert
This Sunday (March 6, 2016) Heidi Duckler Dance Theatre will present ‘Outpost: A Sign of the Times’ (performance details below). We’re expecting a great crowd for the performance and we’re excited to see some of the new friends we’ve made at our recent workshops. We also hope to see plenty of new faces as well! We know many in the Antelope Valley community may not be familiar with Heidi Duckler Dance Theatre, so we wanted to provide an idea of what you can expect at one of our productions!
- A tour and oral history of the Shaw Building – an important landmark of African American history in the Antelope Valley. Did you know the site of the Shaw Building was the first piece of property owned by an African American person in unincorporated LA County? It was! You’ll learn interesting pieces of historical trivia like that at our performance.
- All kinds of dance! Heidi Duckler Dance Theatre will be performing our unique brand of site-specific dance, and we’ll be joined by two dance troupes local to Antelope Valley—Hidden Entropy Movement Project and Dance Ministry-Salem Lake LA.
- Live music. Our friend and frequent collaborator Chris Garcia will be on-site playing his collection of indigenous instruments. You may even hear some brand new sounds to your ear!
- A learning opportunity. Following the performance the artists will be available to answer questions and chat with the audience. Whether you’re a master artist, still learning your craft, or just there for fun, you’ll have the opportunity to ask and share!
- A raucous party. Well, maybe not that. But, we’ll have a reception following the performance. Snacks, drinks and wonderful company will be available!
Convinced? We hope to see you Sunday at 3pm! You’ll find us at the Shaw Building, 9657 E Avenue Q-10 Sun Village, CA 93543.
This is a project of Antelope Valley Outpost (Outpost), managed by the Los Angeles County Arts Commission. Outpost is a placemaking project that support regional vitality through artist-driven projects in the unincorporated communities of Littlerock and Sun Village. The project is supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the California Arts Council with support from Metabolic Studio.